The fifth exhibition of export capabilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran Expo)

The fifth exhibition of export capabilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran Expo)

The fifth exhibition of export capabilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran was held on the 17th to the 20th of May 1402 at the Tehran International Exhibition Center.

According to Poliran Public Relations, the fifth exhibition of export capabilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Expo 2023) was held at the international exhibition, referring to the policies of the 13th government to develop trade with neighboring countries, African countries, Latin America, and 750 domestic companies participated in this exhibition. and presented their products to visitors.

So far, 60 countries from different parts of the world have announced their readiness to visit this exhibition, and some of the countries at the level of ministers and advisors of ministers were present to visit this exhibition. In this exhibition, about 1,200 to 2,000 officials and businessmen from different countries visited the exhibition.
As in previous years, Poliran booth hosted many visitors of this exhibition by introducing its latest products at the level of global competition.

  • 3/18/2020
  • 2701

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  • 5/25/2020


    با سلام احتراما خدمت مدیریت محترم و مجموعه شرکت پلیران اتصال : اول از همه جا داره تحسین کنم این موفقیت و سابقه کار شرکت رو که با توجه به شرایط بد اقتصادی چند ساله اخیر همچنان به تولید بالا و حفظ نیروی کار خود متعهد بوده👌👏 و اما یک انتقاد .... بنده همسر یکی از پرسنل زحمت کش پلیران هستم و همسرم حدود ۶ ماه (بجز ایام عید) مدام سر کار و حتی جمعه و تعطیلی های رسمی رو باید سر کار حاضر باشه و از مرخصی روزانه و ساعتی هم اصلا خبری نیست !!! من دو تا بچه دارم و مدام بهانه میگیرن ... ما حتی کوچکترین تفریح جزئی رو نمیتونیم داشته باشیم به نظرم اگر کارگر حداقل یک روز در هفته رو با خانواده بگذرونه خیلی بهتر روحیه کاری خودش رو حفظ میکنه طی هفته و بازدهی بالاتری داره خواهش میکنم در این مورد یه تجدید نظر بفرمائید🖎 با تشکر و آرزوی موفقیت روزافزون 🌹🌹🌹

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